He's even selling t-shirts from a link in the description of his videos bearing the hashtag. In a response to his banning, LSK has unleashed a fleet of anti-2K videos and even started the hashtag #FreeLSK. One of the more high-profile cases is Kristopher London aka LSK. There have been a number of prominent YouTubers who have had their accounts banned. However, it would probably be less of a headache to simply create another account and to refrain from repeating the violation that got you banned. If you are permanently banned and believe it has happened unfairly, you can contact 2K's customer service department. Per an NBA 2K rep I spoke to, the temporary bans last only about a week.

There are two types of bans: a temporary or permanent. How Long Are the Bans, And What Do I Do If I Get Banned? Using Bots or Hacking (Example: This will primarily relate to PC users, but creating any bot of hacking initiative that delivers VC, MTP or any other in-game exploit.).Basically, it's the flipside of the first violation.) Virtual Currency (VC/MTP) promotion (Example: Promoting the sale of VC or MTP.Account buying (Example: Someone has an account with 200,000 and offers to sell it you for XX amount of cash and you make the purchase.).